Welcome! Here you can find additional information, articles, and opportunities related to COVID-19 and navigating the pandemic during this unprecedented time.
explaining "the Why"
Here are some ideas and suggestions for talking with your children about the Coronavirus as well as ideas to manage your own stress and anxieties during this time.
Talking to Your Children About the Coronavirus
Managing Your Stress and Anxiety for COVID-19
Creating a Learning Environment at Home
Set routines and habits early on. Here are some ideas to establish some schedules, boundaries, and expectations while your child learns from home.
Establishing Agreements and Commitments
What Happens When Things Don't Go As Planned?
Ideas for Parents
Enjoy some ideas for engaging your distance learners!
Keeping Kids Engaged in Distance Learning
New York Times Writing Prompts
Covid-19 Community Resources
Having trouble meeting your basic needs such as food or shelter? Below are some resources that are being offered during the corona virus:
California Association of Food Banks
CA Legislation Regarding Shelter
Orange County Homeless Services
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
Please contact Katie Aldama at katiealdama@iusd.org or (949)936-6421 for further information or assistance.